Online proofing software for creative teams

Streamline your creative review process with Oppolis Cloud's in-built review and approval functionality. Unify creative teams, stakeholders and collaborators with creative approval software that fully integrates within Adobe Creative Cloud apps.

Experience the future of online proofing software with Oppolis Cloud.

Collect feedback in real-time from remote team members

Having a central location, where everyone can collaborate efficiently, streamlines the creative workflow process. Oppolis Cloud provides centralised feedback via an intuitive interface for all types of creative projects and file formats; such as brochures, logos, graphics, HTML email, web pages, and video. Creative teams can comment, co-edit copy, review previous version, and collaborate via the Oppolis Cloud dashboard or from within Adobe Creative Cloud apps.

A truly unified team collaboration experience for design feedback.

Oppolis Cloud version history

A range of proofing markup tools

Gather feedback quicker, review projects smarter, and keep your creative teams on the same page with a range of markup tools.

Comment, tick, cross, strike through text, highlight, free draw, and much more with a wealth of online proofing tools. Provide visual feedback with annotation tools and speed up the review and approval process.

Online proofing software that brings your creative teams together. Oppolis Cloud approval software is creative collaboration.

Oppolis Cloud version history

Ditch the endless email threads

Creative agencies, graphic designers, project managers, web designers, external users, and remote teams can collaborate together and make the whole approval process easier and smoother. Ditch the outdated way of working and stop emailing creative content or passing around hard copies.

Utilise online proofing tools to share a single creative project, with the same file to ensure every team member is providing feedback on the same creative assets.

Transform your approval studio

Managing projects has never been smoother with creative feedback fed straight into creative apps such as Adobe Photoshop, Indesign, and Illustrator. Providing your designers with quick feedback on creative assets, saving valuable time, and smartening your approval workflows.

Web content, HTML, emails, and various file formats are all handled effortlessly. Creative project management has never been better.

Collaborate Better. Faster. Together

Need to revert back to previous versions? Or want to check that all amendments have been actioned? Hit the 'history' tab on the proofing screen. Need side by side comparisons? No problem.

All creative projects are fully archived, with every comment thread, real-time collaboration, and interaction between your creative team and external collaborators retained, alongside a complete version history of the creative proof.

Smarter online proofing with Oppolis Cloud.

Key benefits of online proofing software

Get 360° feedback on creative projects

Create beautiful, impactful work faster

Transform creative media collaboration

Gain creative workflow efficiency

Feel like a project management superhero

Collaborate during the proofing process

Team-working from a central location

Unified creative teams

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