Oppolis Cloud allows you to take back control of your Martech Stack

Oppolis Cloud allows you to take back control of your Martech Stack

The Martech Stack is an invaluable set of tools but how do you keep control and prevent it from collapsing around you?

A Martech Stack or Marketing Technology Stack is a cluster of digital tools utilised by marketing and creative teams to streamline their creative workflows. Products such as MailChimp, Hubspot, Monday, Microsoft Teams, WorkFront, Click Up, Google Drive, Dropbox and Ziflow each offer differing solutions that slot into your workflow and build to create a stack of marketing technology products. This Martech Stack can save your business a serious amount of time and money, and so they can be well worth investing in.

But these products also bring with them their own problems. These issues may not always be apparent and can creep into the workflow when the product is being used on a day-to-day basis. A perfect example of this is when files or comments are buried within the comment threads of Microsoft Team, never to be seen again.

Microsoft Teams is a great addition to your business. It can keep your teams collaborating, connected and in touch with one another in an era where remote working is the new standard. Discussions can be held anytime regardless of your team's location or time zone. Teams can also be used to manage meetings with clients or arrange demos with prospects. And that’s all great. 

But how many times have comments been made in the chat window, or files uploaded, or links shared, to demonstrate a solution to a problem or to provide an example of work currently being discussed, never to be seen again? How much time is lost trawling through endless comment threads to retrieve this information. It’s a pain, right?

This product has solved one problem, only to create another.

The simple solution to overcome this is to invest in another product to add to your existing stack. In most cases this product will be inexpensive and can plug the hole in your creative workflow fairly easily.

So that problem is solved? Maybe. Maybe not. You now have two separate products to fulfil one area of your business, with the second only being introduced because the first choice created a new issue you didn’t know you had.

The higher the stack, the higher the probability that it will come crashing down

Taking the approach of adding another product to your stack of products is a short-term fix to the solution, and one that is guaranteed to get expensive and ineffective over time. Your team will end up working to the constraints of each of these products and then fill all the gaps with other solutions.

Investing in Google Drive, for example, to manage project assets but then purchasing a proofing and reviewing solution to fill that gap in the workflow isn’t always the smartest choice to make. Neither is using Monday to manage all creative project tasks and then purchasing a separate DAM system to store all project assets.

Imagine that your Martech Stack is literally a stack of products. One on top of the other, each of them plugging holes and helping to smooth out your complex workflow, but none of them replacing the entire stack, solving every problem or completing the workflow without a hitch. 

How many of these products could your business afford to invest in before it all becomes unmanageable and the stack comes crashing down?

Why can’t you purchase a digital asset management system that can also proof content, or a proofing solution that has asset management capabilities and complete version history of all your creative content?

Well actually, you can.

Oppolis Cloud allows you to take back control of your Martech Stack

There’s always a smarter way

Luckily, before we began developing Oppolis Cloud, we dissected the entire creative workflow and put it back together piece by piece. We now understand the complex requirements to take a creative project from inception, through the design and proofing stages, to sign off and on to the delivery of the final artwork. Oppolis Cloud is a solution that fits the entire creative workflow seamlessly. It doesn’t just handle a few of the steps, it takes creative teams through the complete workflow without side-stepping to another product or solution. It’s robust, stable and reliable, and is like having an additional member of your team.

Take a look at the short video above, which will provide you with an overview of how Oppolis Cloud works. If you like what you see and want to take a test drive to assess Oppolis Cloud for yourself, you can. Signing up is free and takes less than a minute, and no credit card details are required. There's no obligation to upgrade, you can simply walk away if the system doesn't fit. But we don't think that you will. We’re confident that you’ll be wondering how you ever managed your creative workflows without Oppolis Cloud.

Oppolis Cloud, the creative workflow solution used by creative teams.

Oppolis Cloud, Creative workflow, Digital project management, Creative project management, Creative project workflow, MarTech Stack
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